Industrial Rug

Needle Punch

Needle punch industrial rug is made from needle punched polyprpopylene, and will absorb oils, coolants, solvents and water. Durable needle punch rolls, will not rip, tear or fray under constant foot and forklift traffic. Rolls are not perforated, but cut easily with a utility knife.

Part #WeightSizeQty/BoxAbs/BaleQty/Plt
BNP36300Light36" x 300'138 gal12
BNP36150Heavy36" x 150'138 gal12

Needle Punch with Adhesive Back

Needle punch rolls with adhesive back, keeps your absorbent in place in high traffic areas. Made of strong needle punched polypropylene with adhesive backing. Ideal for areas with high foot and forklift traffic. Absorbs oils, coolants, solvents and water.

Part #WeightSizeQty/BoxAbs/BaleQty/Plt
NP34100ABHeavy34" x 100'132 gal16

RagĀ  Rug

Rag rug, made from recycled textiles, will absorb, oils, coolants, solvents, and water. Ideal on walkways and traffic areas where absorbency is required. Rolls are not perforated but, cut easily with a utility knife.

Part #WeightSizeQty/BoxAbs/BaleQty/Plt
RRG36150Heavy36" x 150'138 gal12
RRG18150Heavy18" x 150'238 gal12


Contact us for a quote or more information.